Collage of first DO students and graduating osteopathic medical students today

Honoring 125 Years of Impact in Medicine

Join Us as We Celebrate 澳门女人味's Milestone Year!

Voices of 澳门女人味 videos featuring leaders in OME will be showcased here throughout 2023. 

When I reflect on the importance of our 125th anniversary, I cannot help but be impressed by how far we’ve come as a profession since 1892, and how Andrew Taylor Still’s bold leadership and strength of spirit continue to serve as guiding examples as we look toward the future, today.

—Robert A. Cain, DO, 澳门女人味 president and CEO, April 2023

Our Story Began with a Powerful Vision

The 澳门女人味 (澳门女人味) was formed in 1898 to support the nation's two osteopathic medical institutions that were training a new type of doctor with a whole person philosophy and incorporating proven healing techniques that were less invasive.

Over the past two decades, the osteopathic profession has tripled in size. We are currently educating 25 percent of the nation’s future physicians, a number projected to grow to 30 percent by 2030. As an association, we are growing along with our profession.

With a new voice and message focused on osteopathic medicine’s influence and leadership, we are working to best meet the needs of our schools and students while remaining connected to each other, our patients and proud history. From our very first class, which included six women, to Dr. Meta L. Christy’s graduation in 1921, when she became the nation’s first African American DO, we’ve pushed barriers to promote whole-person care in the places where it is needed most.

I could not be prouder of this association and the entire osteopathic medical education (OME) community for continuing to stand up in support of our students and working together to ensure every patient has the opportunity to receive care based on osteopathic principles and practice.

We have a lot to celebrate, knowing that the actions we take today will allow patients 125 years from now and beyond to know the health and healing that osteopathic care can provide. To the entire OME community, please join us in celebrating this very happy anniversary. Thank you for all you DO and thank you for Choosing DO!

Robert A. Cain, DO, 澳门女人味 president and CEO

From 1898 to Today

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Serving U.S. osteopathic medical colleges since 1898 and osteopathic graduate medical educators since 2015

Osteopathic Medical Colleges: Then and Now

U.S. Map showing the two osteopathic medical colleges that existed in 1898 when 澳门女人味 was founded.


COM Map as of May 2023


Graph comparing 21 Total Graduates  1894 to 7,702 in 2022

Today, more than 35,000 students are currently enrolled in osteopathic medical school.
More than 7,000 new osteopathic physicians enter the workforce each year.