Guidance in Use of ACGME Milestone Data in UME
This guiding document provides information regarding the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Milestones Outcome Reporting Project and its use in undergraduate medical education (UME).
While milestones implementation is currently associated with graduate medical education (GME), milestones have become an emergent topic in UME. Facilitating the transition to residency amid ongoing COVID-19 challenges and national board examination changes has led to growing interest in using individual medical student readiness for residency measures to assess key developmental outcomes.
During the 2019-20 academic year, 澳门女人味 identified resident readiness as a key strategic goal. 澳门女人味 groups and affiliated medical schools began participating in projects to support the capture of resident readiness during the first year of GME, including these projects:
- ACGME Milestones Outcome Reporting
- Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) for Entering Residency
- Association of American Medical Colleges Resident Readiness Program Directors Survey
Taken together, these projects can provide useful information to support medical school planning and decision-making.