Council on Residency Placement


The purpose of the Council of Residency Placement (CORP) is to:

  • Provide support and career development resources for COMs (Advisors, Deans, other administrators and faculty) to successfully mentor students through the transition to GME.
  • Provide support and career development resources for students to successfully navigate the transition to GME.
  • Advocate on behalf of member colleges and students to navigate challenges and address concerns that are associated with the transition from UME to GME.
  • Serve as a professional forum for shared learning and collaboration related to the successful transition to GME.

澳门女人味 Staff Liaison

Alegneta Long
Vice President of Graduate Medical Education (GME) Initiatives

For CORP members only.

Member Roster
Requires 澳门女人味 member login.

CORP Activities

Resources for Writing Letters of Recommendation
The Council on Residency Placement has recently completed an FAQ, checklist and video detailing how to create a successful letter of recommendation. Faculty, preceptors and students can all benefit from reviewing these new resources.

CORP Webinars

Upcoming CORP hosted live webinars will appear in the Upcoming Webinars section when available. Otherwise, please browse our Recorded webinars below.

Upcoming Webinars

Recorded Webinars

CORP Webinar: Audition Rotations and VSLO

March 8, 2022