Fellowship Standards and Expectations
Membership in the Academy is reserved for faculty at osteopathic medical schools, and for those who work in the education of osteopathic physicians, at all levels (i.e. UME, GME, CME), who meet or exceed designated standards recognizing their sustained (at least five years) scholarship in osteopathic medical education. Significant breadth and diversity of experience is expected.
In osteopathic medical education, scholarship includes the integration of osteopathic principles and practices into the academic program, where appropriate.
Faculty must demonstrate scholarship in one of the following four categories. Scholarship moves beyond excellent practice to the development of peer-reviewed educational products that are publicly available.
- Teaching/Evaluation (including bedside teaching, faculty development and mentoring)
- Development of Enduring Educational Materials
- Educational Leadership
- Educational Research
Active NAOME Fellows contribute to the work of the Academy in several of the following ways:
- Serve as a role model and mentor for others at all levels in the profession.
- Mentor academy applicants in the development of their mini-portfolio.
- Participate in annual Academy events such as the annual Academy meeting at Educating Leaders, the 澳门女人味 Annual Conference, and attend regularly scheduled fellow meetings (typically virtual meetings).
- Mentor applicants for Educating Leaders abstracts or 澳门女人味 Research Grants.
- Participate in the vetting of ideas/projects at the SOME steering committee's request.
- Participate in the selection of SOME award recipients.
- Act as a “think tank” on issues relevant to osteopathic medical education. It is anticipated that programs may be developed and delivered at Educating Leaders, 澳门女人味 Annual Conferences, and at osteopathic medical education program sites.
- Interact with other NAOME fellows to create and maintain a high-level, proactive, and effective educational resource for the osteopathic medical profession.